[TAGUIG CITY, 7 May 2024] — MDI Novare proudly joined forces with the IT & Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP) for the C-Suite Forum, co-presenting a compelling session titled “Cybersecurity Leadership for the Digital Age.” 

The event featured our esteemed Chief Technology Officer, Dr. William Yu, alongside Usec. Alexander Ramos from the Department of Information and Communications Technology’s Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (DICT-CICC). The session was expertly moderated by IBPAP’s Genny Marcial.

Dr. William Yu’s presentation provided an in-depth analysis of the current digital landscape, highlighting both the opportunities and challenges inherent in today’s cybersecurity environment. He emphasized the critical importance of safety and security, outlining key strategies for addressing these challenges.

“There is no sustainable digitization without security,” Dr. Yu stated, underscoring the necessity of integrating robust cybersecurity measures into all aspects of digital transformation.

During the fireside chat, several pivotal points were discussed:

  1. Support the Development of Standards, Guidelines, and Schemes: Establishing comprehensive cybersecurity standards and guidelines is essential for creating a secure digital environment.
  2. Encourage the Purchase of Secure Products and Promote Transparency: Dr. Yu stressed the importance of buying secure products and promoting transparency through labeling, ensuring consumers are well-informed about the security features of their digital products.
  3. Shift Left in the Development Process: Considering information security at all stages of the development process is crucial. Dr. Yu advocated for designing systems with Zero Trust principles and integrating security measures from the outset.
  4. Provide Support Through Safe Harbor and Shared Systems: Dr. Yu highlighted the need for providing support in the form of safe harbor policies, shared systems such as sovereign clouds, and expertise to bolster cybersecurity efforts.
  5. Continue and Strengthen Awareness Initiatives: Ongoing and enhanced awareness initiatives are vital for supporting both security and labeling efforts. Building communities of support and best practices is key to fostering a culture of cybersecurity.

Dr. Yu’s insights and practical tips provided valuable guidance for industry leaders navigating the complexities of cybersecurity in the digital age. The session underscored the collective responsibility of organizations to prioritize security in their digital initiatives.

As we look to the future, the collaborative efforts showcased at the C-Suite Forum serve as a testament to our commitment to cybersecurity leadership. By fostering a secure digital landscape, we are not only protecting our organizations but also empowering our communities to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

The future is ours! Together, we will build a safer, more secure digital age.

The IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines is the primary industry association and advocacy group of the country’s agile, dynamic, and resilient IT and Business Process Management (IT-BPM) sector. Learn more about IBPAP: https://www.ibpap.org/

About MDI Novare
Founded in 1988, MDI Novare is a pioneer and champion in the Philippine ICT market. Over the past three decades, MDI Novare has driven digital transformation through custom application development, infrastructure, data analytics, and IT security solutions that meet and exceed business demands. Today, MDI Novare continues its culture of innovation by being at the forefront of major technology trends such as APIs, cloud computing, big data, AI, and automation as we strive to create a positive impact for our people, our clients, our partners, and our communities.